9 Reasons to Work With an Experienced Nursing Home Abuse Law Firm
Abuse in a nursing home is a very serious matter, and it vital that you get appropriate representation when you have a claim to make against a nursing home. When you need a nursing home abuse law firm in Kansas City, MO, we will be there for you and your family at the Nail Law Firm. You can trust our experience and our background in making the abusers pay for what they have done.
It is devastating when someone you loved is abused or neglected by the staff at a nursing home. When your loved one has been hurt by the very people you trusted to provide compassionate care, you are understandably upset. You want to see justice done, and you expect compensation for the person who suffered the abuse. For all of these reasons and more, it is important that you work with an experienced attorney when you are ready to file a case for nursing home abuse.
9 Reasons to Work With an Experienced Nursing Home Abuse Law Firm
1. Compassion
When you are involved in a case that centers on the abuse of helpless victims, you will need to find an attorney who is able to be subjective and compassionate at the same time. It is important that your attorney understands the emotions that you are experiencing as you go through your case and can express compassion for both you and the victim.
2. Experience
Experience is key when it comes to representing a client in any type of lawsuit, and this is particularly true of a nursing home abuse case. There are many different ways that this type of case can go wrong, and only an experienced attorney will be able to steer you away from areas where your decisions could make the case harder to win.
3. Knowledge
The laws that cover appropriate behavior in a nursing home situation and the laws surrounding cases that occur after the abuse has been committed are constantly changing. You need an attorney on your side who has knowledge of those laws and understands how to use them in order to win your case.
4. Negotiation
Negotiation is a large part of any lawsuit and this includes a case that involves nursing home abuse and neglect. The nursing home and its insurance company will have lawyers on their side whose job it is to make sure that you and your loved one are given as small a settlement as possible. You need an attorney who is a tough negotiator and won’t settle for anything less than you deserve.
Trying to deal with lawyers from an insurance company on your own is a mistake. They know tricks and tactics to get the most for their clients, and they do not care about your loved one who was hurt. Let your attorney handle negotiations with the insurance company and you will find that you have a better outcome.
5. Trial Skills
Most cases end with a settlement that has been negotiated outside of court. but the case will go to trial if no agreement can be reached. In this situation, you will have to appear in front of a judge to argue your point and state your case. Then the judge will decide how much your compensation should be.
If your case does go to trial, it is critical that you have an attorney to represent you. Experienced lawyers understand what judges are looking for and can present your case in the best possible way. They also understand the evidence that judges will want to see and know how to influence the judge to give you the most compensation.
6. Evidence
One key aspect of building a court case is providing evidence. You will need to prove that the nursing home staff hurt or neglected your loved one and that compensation is required to help make it right. This evidence usually includes documentation made by the nursing home showing which staff member was on duty and what they claim to have done. It may also include evidence in the form of a report from a doctor or other medical professional who can state that abuse did occur.
Evidence in cases like this is not always easy to gather unless you have legal professionals on your side who can demand that the evidence be found and turned over. The nursing home may be reluctant to supply the evidence you ask for, especially if they know it will make them look bad or show that they were at fault. An experienced attorney will know exactly what evidence is needed and will be able to demand it from the nursing home.
7. Paperwork
Paperwork is something that seems to drag out forever when it comes to a court case. There will be many forms you will need to fill out as well as documentation to be explained and other paperwork to be filed with the court. You do not want to take on this paperwork nightmare by yourself. You need professionals to advise you about which paperwork is needed, and you need someone who can file that paperwork for you.
An experienced attorney’s office deals with legal paperwork every day. The staff there knows how to effectively and efficiently get it filled out and filed in the right place at the right time.
8. Deadlines
Deadlines can mean disaster if you don’t know exactly what you are doing in a court case. The court takes deadlines very seriously, and there is a specific amount of time you have after the abuse occurs to file a case. Then there are deadlines for the paperwork and evidence that needs to be filed and shared with the other party.
Your attorney understands the time restraints involved in a case and will be able to help you meet every deadline. Your attorney can also file for extensions if deadlines cannot be met or if having more time would be beneficial to your case.
9. Advice
Only someone who has seen many cases like yours can give you the best advice when it comes to filing your claim, gathering evidence, and making your case to the court. Your experienced attorney knows what can happen to derail a case and knows what it takes to win. You can trust that person to give you timely and appropriate advice throughout your case. You will need advice during the negotiation stages of the case as well as if the case goes to trial.
Your attorney will also understand how much compensation you can expect to be awarded and will advise you about whether or not to agree to a settlement that is offered by the nursing home’s insurance company.
If your loved one has experienced abuse or neglect by the staff at a nursing home, you can get justice for that person. Contact us today at The Nail Law Firm in Kansas City, MO. We will fight for the rights of your loved one. We will also help you negotiate a proper settlement or go to court and fight for compensation if that is what is required. You and your loved ones don’t have to continue to be victimized. Let us fight for you.
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