Social Media Might Hurt Your Personal Injury Case
After an injury, it is only human nature to want to talk about what you experienced with others. Your friends online may be able to give you some advice or commiserate with you at the very least. However, it is crucial for you and other Missouri residents to understand how going onto social media to talk about your injury could be detrimental to a personal injury case.
While you have an active case and are waiting for your compensation, the other party’s insurer will naturally attempt to keep its expenses to a minimum. The company may attempt to discredit you and prove that you are not suffering as much as you claim, and social media could be the perfect platform with which to find clues about your condition.
Physical injuries
After a car accident, you might post pictures of your injuries and possibly a selfie from your hospital bed on Facebook. A couple of weeks after the accident, you could attend a party and post photos and a status update stating how much fun you are having. While these posts may seem innocuous, anyone looking for evidence that your injuries are not as bad as they appear could use them against you. The other person’s insurer might, for example, say that you would not attend a party if you were suffering so badly with broken bones and a concussion.
Emotional suffering
The same can be said for emotional trauma. Light-hearted, funny or positive social media posts might be used by others to try to show that you are not suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder or anything related to your accident, even if your positive posts are an attempt to distract yourself from traumatic memories. On the other hand, if you take to Facebook or Twitter to angrily rant about your experience, the insurer may claim you are bitter, unstable or trying to get money.
How might an accident victim prevent the other party from using their social media posts against them in a personal injury case? One possible option is to refrain from posting on social media until the case is over. At the very least, you may want adjust your privacy settings so only close friends and family can see your posts, and keep anything you put online brief and to the point.
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