Catastrophic Injury Lawsuits

    Accidents involving catastrophic injuries are devastating and life-changing. No matter the cause, the injuries that result from these incidents require significant medical intervention and years of surgeries, rehabilitation, and therapy for the injured individual. They may need substantial accommodations such as motorized wheelchairs, vehicles with lifts, homes with ramps and elevators, and permanent round-the-clock health care assistance.

    The attorneys at The Nail Law Firm understand the seriousness of these cases and the importance of recovering compensation for the injured party and their families. These injuries may impose substantial burdens on the family, in addition to the emotional stress of witnessing their loved one suffer. We recognize that a settlement or verdict should provide support for the individual for the rest of their lives, replacing the income they would have earned, the value of contributions they made around the home, and covering their current and future medical expenses and other damages.

    Catastrophic Injuries Are Life-Changing

    A catastrophic injury is a severe and life-threatening injury that has a long-term effect on the victim’s health, ability to work, and quality of life. Catastrophic injuries often require lifelong medical care and can lead to permanent disability or death. If you or a loved one has been involved in an accident that resulted in a catastrophic injury, you may be entitled to compensation and recover damages for your medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more. Only a reputable attorney in Kansas City with experience handling catastrophic injury claims can help you understand your legal rights and options.

    • We have years of experience handling complex personal injury cases, and look forward to helping you with yours.

    The common element of a catastrophic injury is its life-changing aspect. After such an injury, your life and that of your family will be fundamentally different. You may not be able to work at your prior occupation. In some cases, you may develop new skills and be able to perform different work, but for many, the injuries frequently include loss of cognitive abilities and render many occupations impossible.

    There are many types of catastrophic injuries that can occur as a result of car accidents, truck accidents, motorcycle accidents, construction accidents, slip and fall accidents, and more. They may occur in many contexts, but car and truck accidents, medical malpractice, or nursing home neglect produce a large percentage of these injuries. Catastrophic injuries include:

    • Amputation
    • Paralyzation
    • Chronic pain
    • Traumatic brain injury
    • Spinal cord injury
    • Severe burns
    • Scarring
    • Blindness

    Contact a Kansas City Catastrophic Injury Attorney Today

    Our Kansas City catastrophic injury attorneys have the experience you and your family need when bringing a case that may involve a multimillion-dollar damage component. We have the resources to build a compelling case, using expert reports and testimony, exhibits, and day-in-the-life videos to demonstrate the significant effects the injuries have had on you and your family’s life. Contact us now.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    With a contingent-fee agreement, your attorney does not charge a direct, hourly rate or require a set retainer fee. Instead, the attorney receives a percentage of the settlement or verdict as payment. This arrangement allows many injured persons to bring lawsuits that they would otherwise be unable to afford.

    Our main office is located at 201 W 47th Street in Kansas City, Missouri. We're on the 2nd floor of the building on the Southeast corner of 47th and Wyandotte on the Country Club Plaza. Both street and garage parking are available.

    It’s a good question. However, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question when to file a personal injury lawsuit. To put it one way, anytime you have suffered injuries due to someone else’s negligence and you are at risk of not receiving adequate compensation, it is likely you will need to sue in order to be properly compensated.
    The Nail Law Firm in Kansas City, MO